Miracles exist…

I would like to start talking about miracles…we have begin a new year, and this is miracle in itself.
Our years, our lives, are in a continuous change process. But we live as if it were not so. We have the impression of being the same people than …10 years ago?…even 20 years ago??..but when our body says «be careful, guy!!» we realiza that we have changed, and we say «I’m becoming old!!»…

But every year, in front of our eyes, seasons run, and the dark and cold winter comes again, almost threatening us, and very quickly we are in January, in a new year, starting our activity again, and looking to the calender longing the spring, and the summer…and …and….

We live in the change, but is obvious to say it. However, I want to remark it. We live the continuous change, natural change, individual change…but don’t know how it happens…only that it happens.

Every day more and more people find personal obstacles in some specific moments of their lives. These obstacles make them to experience what we could call «a personal winter». These winters, can be short or long winters, sometimes very cold ones, and as in nature, the trees lose their leaves, and life dissapears. In the soul of these people, the energy of the soul dissapears slowly, and sense of life is lost.   

But this is part of the change. Every change needs a winter to reborn later, to create a new life-spring. What is really incredible, is that through listening, through conversation, we can help each other, making the winters to become springs much more quickly. 
This let us develop personally and profesionally much more.  Let’s say that if normally, one person is having one, two or three big personal crisis in his/her life, when we start to use listening and conversation, this process becomes much more intense, but consciously managed. This could be a way of «expanding» our life, like living more winters, and with it more springs, and with it more years, and with it, progressing much more. 
And please, believe me, though sometimes it seems to be impossible, spring is finally coming back, specially when other human being is helping us to go through the winter, through his/her active and loving listening.

I believe that for me, this year, spring has started in January.

Let’s see.

See you soon.

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