The world scenario is changing. We are living a historical moment, that as in many other occasions, is not perceived in the very moment in which it is happening.
Let’s try to take a look to the facts. What has happened in the last years?..apparently we had a good life. Our cash flows seemed to be indefenitely sustainable, or even they seemed to grow along the years, and with it we were able to have a better life having better houses, betteer cars, better technolgy, etc…with all this our life seemed to be easier, and it seemed to improved continuosly. And all that was possible thanks to an indefinite amount of credit.
Bit by bit, the crisis scenario was starting to appear. The banks were stopping the credit slowly. ¿Why was it so?..more or less one year ago it begun to appear in the news that the markets were having lack of liquiditu, lack of cash-flow. The subprime mortgages market (literally, mortgages for people that can not pay them) was failing in the United States. But in europe all governments spreaded the message of calm: «That’s a domestic problem of the States. That’s not a problem of Europe». So, we continued our life, as if nothing was happening. We were in a kind of dream, of spell, created by our governments, but also allowed my each one of ourselves.
Some months later, the news woke us up saying that European Markets were out of cash-flow, and the European Central Bank and other institutions like the Federal Reserve of the United States and the Central Bank of Japan was injecting cash flow, but as a exceptional and unique situation. According to the newspapers, it was not related with the subprime crisis of USA, so… again we fell down in the dream. Nothing happens!!… everything was ok!!… this is not affecting my daily life, isn’t it?….