marzo 2009

Going through the pain…the anger, the sadness, and the emptiness

When everything has been understood, it seems that you have gone through, but this is only the beginning.  Then the soul is really starting to digest, and you start to feel the true emptiness. Your soul, or at least a part of it fights against it, using anger.  …. Anger is just the way in …

Going through the pain…the anger, the sadness, and the emptiness Leer más »

The end of love…and the beginning of true love…

Today I have realized how true love is based on freedom, on independence, and on giving to each person we meet exactly what this person is asking from us without crossing the limits of our independence and of his/her independence. No more, no less. Someone very loved to me has gone. Don’t be scared!!…She has …

The end of love…and the beginning of true love… Leer más »

People with People

The word these days is crisis.  But, don’t we go through crisis continuously?…in the individual level, in the group level (with our family, our friends, our neighbours), in the country level…. Probably you are thinking now: What?…crisis??…what in the hell is this guy talking about??.. I’m talking about change. I’m talking about the fact that …

People with People Leer más »